Community Leaderboard

Community Leaderboard

As promised we have our leaderboard so far. We have Ms. Donnalee Wildgooose taking the leads. But the summer period is not over yet there is still time for you all to catch up. Remember the top three engagers will be awarded at the end of the summer period.

A quick reminder of how you can earn points 
  • Liking a post - 15 points 
  • Commenting on a post - 20 points 
  • Completing a survey - 10 points  
  • Joining the Community - 20 points 
With this in mind, don't forget to check your emails and get your colleagues to hop over on the community so they can start earning too!!

P.S. For anyone who can get 10 of their colleague to set up their community account there might be a prize in store for you